Meditation on “The Waves” by Virginia Woolf

Where do we end and where does the other person begin? Waves are a constant in our lives: something ends – there is a pause – and another thing begins. Maybe we laid a sentence to rest with a friend and are waiting for a response, a response that will surely come. Maybe we let go of something that we’ve dedicated years of our life to and are waiting for something new to fill up the emptiness. Small and big waves are part of our daily lives. Tuesday follows Monday. We can only stand still for so long. The world calls to us, harsh and exciting – as Mary Oliver would say – and our life has to go on. Our life, this life where we are constantly influencing the people around us, and are being influenced by them. Our life, this big question mark that we try to make sense of, try to organise and tame and reduce to something very ordinary but which is constantly overflowing its bounds. Our life which we have borrowed, from our mother, from the cells in her body and from the giants who went before her, forever hidden in shadows. One day we will give this strange question mark back to the great, unconscious sea and we hope that it will be enough – what we did, what we said, what our hands and chests and hips made. Who will decide?